Crate interpolator

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Runtime implementation of format!.

std::fmt compatible formatting

All options but the fill character for alignment is supported (due to rust-lang/rfcs#3394).

Though the non Display traits need to be enabled through features.

use interpolator::{format, Formattable};

let formatted = format(
    "{value:+05}", // could be dynamic
    &[("value", Formattable::display(&12))]
        .collect::<HashMap<_, _>>(),

assert_eq!(formatted, format!("{:+05}", 12));

i iter format

The feature iter enables an additional format trait i, it allows to format a list of values with a format string and an optional join expression.

The syntax is {list:i(the format string, '{}' is the array element)(the join)}, an empty join can also be omitted {list:i({})}. If join is omitted the format string {} can be omitted as well {list:i}.

Should you need to use ) inside your format string or join, you can add # similar to rust’s raw string (i.e. #(({}))#).

It is also possible to only iterate a sub-slice specified through a range before the format string, i.e. {list:i1..4}. For open ranges range bounds can also be omitted. To index from the end, you can use negative range bounds.

It is also possible to index a single value by only specifying an isize {list:i1}.

A Formattable implementing iter is created using Formattable::iter:

// HashMap macro
use collection_literals::hash;
use interpolator::{format, Formattable};
// Needs to be a slice of references because `Formattable::display` expects a
// reference
let items = [&"hello", &"hi", &"hey"].map(Formattable::display);
let items = Formattable::iter(&items);
let format_str = "Greetings: {items:i..-1(`{}{outside}`)(, )} and `{items:i-1}{outside}`";
    format(format_str, &hash!("items" => items, "outside" => Formattable::display(&'!')))?,
    "Greetings: `hello!`, `hi!` and `hey!`"

See format() and write() for details.


To simplify creating contexts, some macros are provided.


By default only Display is supported, the rest of the formatting traits can be enabled through the following features.

  • debug enables ?, x? and X? trait specifiers
  • number enables x, X, b, o, e and E trait specifiers
  • pointer enables p trait specifiers
  • iter enables i trait specifier



  • Utility struct holding references to the trait implementation of a value to enable runtime verification and execution of them



  • Context for format and write
